Commercial Real Estate Appraisal: Commercial appraisal services are provided by James G. Towers, MAI. Jim specializes in the completion of narrative as well as approved form appraisals of a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and residential properties. Jim has extensive experience in appraisal and consulting projects ranging from single-family residential homes to investment-grade office buildings, shopping centers, industrial buildings, business parks, apartment buildings / complexes, residential subdivisions, and master-planned communities. Appraisals have been performed throughout Southern California on performing and non-performing real estate at various stages of development.
Our primary geographical area is typically confined to the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties). However, larger investment grade properties are appraised throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties.
Contact Jim Towers for pricing and turn-around time.
Commercial Real Estate Appraisal Review: Appraisal review services are provided by James G. Towers, MAI. Jim is actively employed by major lenders in the Inland Empire as a review appraiser with the primary responsibility of ensuring USPAP and regulatory compliance. Field review assignments are confined to the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties). Desk review assignments are performed on properties throughout the five Southern California Counties.
Contact Jim Towers for pricing and turn-around time.
Commercial Real Estate Sales / Leasing: Commercial sales and leasing services are provided by James G. Towers. As a licensed real estate broker, Jim is active in both commercial sales and leasing throughout the Inland Empire. Jim’s extensive appraisal background provides a unique perspective for investors and owner-users who demand in depth analysis when determining how to meet their investment / ownership goals. Sales and leasing services include industrial, office, retail, land, and multi-family properties. In 2022 alone, Jim represented clients with over $43 million in sales.
Contact Jim Towers for additional information.
Residential Sales / Leasing: Residential sales and leasing services are provided by Erik Martin and James G. Towers. Contact Jim or Erik for a no-obligation opinion of value. We are happy to provide valuable information including comparable home sales, active listings, and / or comparable lease data.
Property Management: Property management services are available for both residential and commercial properties. Contact Cheryl Towers for information regarding residential management services and pricing.